The alternate name of this embroidery stitch is Venetian Picot. Buttonhole picots are generally used for edging lace; they may be adorned with small pinned picots to produce a richer effect.

This makes a larger picot than bullion picot, and a firm, rounded thread should be used. Is is worked from right to left, which makes the buttonhole edging stitch that it is usually decorates a little difficult to work but the picots themeselvs easier to effect.

When the place where the picot is to be worked is reached, insert a dressmaking pin into the fabric close to the last buttonhole stitch; this will anchor the next loop of thread while the buttonhole stitch is worked over it.

  • Work as for ordinary Buttonhole Stitch until a picot is required.
  • Insert the needle through the loop and over the pin, ensuring the point of the needle passes over the working thread.
  • Pull the needle through and tighten the resulting stitch well, as it forms the end of the picot.
  • Then work closely packed buttonhole stitches along the loop until the edge of the fabric is reached, when buttonhole edging is resumed.
  • Remove the pin.

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