The alternate name of this embroidery stitch is Venetian Picot. Buttonhole picots are generally used for edging lace; they may be adorned with small pinned picots to produce a richer effect.

This makes a larger picot than bullion picot, and a firm, rounded thread should be used. Is is worked from right to left, which makes the buttonhole edging stitch that it is usually decorates a little difficult to work but the picots themeselvs easier to effect. Continue reading

Single Feather Stitch is also known as slanted buttonhole stitch. It is a line and smocking stitch used on plain-and evenweave fabrics. A variation of feather stitch, it makes a much plainer line wich is equally effective worked straight or following a curve.

It is worked downwards, and the looped stitches are made only at the right of the line. It has a similar appearance to blanket stitch, but the arms of the stitch are set at an angle. Continue reading

  • Bring the thread through on the lower line on the left side, insert the needle a little to the right on the same line and take a small stitch to the left, emerging at center of the stitch being made.
  • Next, insert the needle on the upper line a little to the right and take a small stitch to the left (A).
  • Insert the needle again on the same line a little to the right and take a small stitch to the left, emerging at center (B).
  • Work in this way alternatelu on the upper and lower lines.

  • Being as for ordinary Stem Stitch (A).
  • Pull the thread through and pass the needle under the stitch just made without entering the fabric (B).
  • Pass the needle again under the same stitch below the first coil (C).
  • Make another Stem Stitch (D).
  • Pass the needle twice under the stitch just made and also under the previuos stitch (E).
  • A section showing the formaion of the stitch (F).

Work a row of small Running Stitches around the circle. Pierce the center with a stiletto and fold back the ragged edge. Closely overcast the folded edge and Running Stitches (A)- trim aqay any ragged edge at the back. (B) shows the appearence of the finished Eyelet Hole.

Larger circles or longer Eyelet Holes may be cut across the center both ways and the cut ends folded back, instead of piercing with a stiletto.

Work the first row of this stitch from right to left similar to Running Stitch, but with all stitches of equal lenght. On the return journey, work in the same way from left to right, filling in the spaces left by the first row.

This stitch is sometimes used as an outline to CrosssStitch designs, as in Assisi Embroidery, but a design can be worked entirely in Holbein Stitch. It should be worked over counted threads of fabric for the best results.

  • Bring the needle through on the lower right line of the cross and insert at the top of the same line, taking a stitch through the fabric to lower left line (A).
  • Continue to the end of the row in this way: on the reeturn journey. complete the other half of the cross (B). It is important that the top strands of all the stitches point in one direction.
  • Designs in Cross Stitch should be worked over counted threads of canvas or evenweave fabric to have the best result.